Paquimé Archeological Site

sello unesco

Get to know Paquimé Archeological Site

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Located half a kilometer from Casas Grandes and five from Nuevo Casas Grandes, the archaeological site of Paquimé is a destination for excellence since it was considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO thanks to the impressive and labyrinthine architecture of its houses as well as the hydraulic system that its inhabitants developed despite living in a desert area.


In its heyday, this settlement had constructions made of water, earth, and beam roofs that were innovative for their times. The town had a great influence on the northwest of the Sierra Madre Occidental, a great part of western Chihuahua and some areas of Sonora, Arizona, and New Mexico precisely because of these, since they avoided erosion, besides carrying water from the farming lands by taking advantage of the rivers that surrounded it.


Its main buildings were palaces with adobe rooms, equipped with fireplaces and workshops for working different materials such as turquoise, shell, and stone. You can't miss it either.


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Paquimé Archeological Site

Paquimé Archeological Site


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