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Get to know Parral

The city of Hidalgo del Parral had three names since, in July 1631, Lieutenant Juan Rangel de Biezma found a vein of silver on the Cerro de la Cruz and the governor of what was then the province of Nueva Vizcaya decided to found San Joseph del Parral there, which later became Real de Minas de San José del Parral.


Although it should be mentioned that Parral is also often referred to as the Capital of the World, supposedly because during the silver boom in colonial times, King Philip IV gave it that status.


Located 300 kilometers (186 miles) south of the city of Chihuahua, Parral was born at the same time as the La Negrita mine, better known as La Prieta, which gave it its fundamental purpose. At present, the mine is not active. The 345 years it has been a source of wealth in the region have left an indelible mark on its history and on the various attractions visitors may see in the city, including the museum that operates today in the ancient site.


The second event that marked the history of the city was the assassination of revolutionary general Francisco Villa in its streets during an ambush, on July 20, 1923. Two museums commemorate the violent event and a recreation of the facts is made every year.


During a tour of Parral, in addition to its museums, you can see several historical buildings of great interest, such as la Catedral y Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (“Our Lady of Guadalupe Cathedral and Shrine”), the Palacio Municipal (” Municipal Palace”), the house of Mexican patriot Elisa Griensen, the temples of San José, San Juan de Dios and the Virgen del Rayo (“Our Lady of Lightning”), in addition to the new emblem of the city, the Puerta del Tiempo (“Time Gate”), a structure installed in the year 2000 to celebrate the beginning of a new millennium.


Two picturesque streetcars called TranVilla and PyOjito offer tours around all these attractions and reach the La Prieta mine. But whatever the route, you must try the Dulce de Leche, a specialty of Hidalgo del Parral.

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Image of the destination Parral


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