MIneral del Chico

sello pueblos magicos

Get to know MIneral del Chico

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Mining Magical Town MIneral del Chico, Pueblo Mágico de Hidalgo (Magical Town of Hidalgo), is a picturesque town with mining origins. The vast presence of pines, oaks and oyameles, turns its views into impressive frames that you will want to capture with your camera. In its surroundings, you will also find rock formations, ideal for practicing extreme sports, either when descending from the mountain or when climbing it. It is important to mention that there are also rivers here, this guarantees a complete adventure experience and a lot of enjoyment.


Unmatched architecture The municipality was founded more than 400 years ago as a residence for the miners, with an architecture that still keeps its colorful façades and its tiled houses, which seem to appear and disappear into the thick fog. Nowadays, its mining past only exists in the memory of its people; but its abundant nature, dreamlike landscapes and exquisite food have led to El Chico National Park, a protected natural area.


What to visit in Mineral del Chico? Trying the barbecue is one of the best things to do in MIneral del Chico, as well as in all of Hidalgo, its underground oven technique, better known as “de hoyo” (from the whole), is a ritual for those who prepare it and those who try it. We recommend accompanying this delicacy with a pot of coffee at 'El Minero Gastronomic Center'.


At downtown, you will find the most representative building of MIneral del Chico; the Parroquia de la Purísima Concepción (Purísima Concepción Parish), a Neoclassical church with a stone façade. Inside it you will find modest, but incredibly beautiful altars, with a painting dedicated to the patron saint of the temple, framed in a silver structure as a reminder of the metal findings in the area.


On the sideline of the temple, you will see a clock that was donated by the mining businessman Gabriel Mancera and whose machinery was built in the same workshop where the Big Ben was created. Take your time to explore the place.

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MIneral del Chico

MIneral del Chico


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