
sello pueblos magicos

Get to know Jala

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Jala, in Nayarit, is a Pueblo Mágico (Magical Town) that transports us to the historical past between Indians and Spaniards through its old and picturesque houses that seem to have stopped in time, where the days pass peacefully, accompanied by an atmosphere full of life.


Jala is a municipality in the state of Nayarit, located 50 minutes from Tepic and an hour and a half from Guadalajara. It is located on the imposing Ceboruco volcano, surrounded by wonderful landscapes and beautiful expressions of nature.


To walk through its cobbled streets is to enter a place of great architectural richness reflected in the facades of its neoclassical viceregal houses that are still in a good state of conservation.


As you walk through the downtown area you enter the Basilica Lateranense de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, which is an architectural jewel with a mixture of Roman and Gothic styles, its pink, green and yellow quarry facade stands out.


In front of it is the oldest monument in Jala, the church of the Convento la Limpia y Pura Concepción de María, which with its simple and beautiful white facade is a clear example of Amerindian art that combines the Hispanic and the indigenous.


Another jewel of adobe and quarry is the Santuario de la Natividad (“Sanctuary of the Nativity”), with its pink quarry facade and its art nouveau style interiors.


In a free and relaxed atmosphere where you can still see the children playing, walk around the main square where there are stores selling typical and handmade products, buy some to take home as a souvenir.


As you walk you will notice how picturesque the place is, with huge adobe houses standing out; one of them is La Casa Salazar, a neoclassical style 18th century house that houses a two floor courtyard surrounded by columns.


You can't leave Jala without trying its exquisite large corn (up to 60 centimeters / 24 inches in length), which grows in the milpas of the volcano's sands. Also try their giant tostadas and traditional breads.

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