
sello pueblos magicos

Get to know Bustamante

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A constant in the landscapes and attractions of the state of Nuevo León is the wooded areas, one of these is Bustamente, a place to take refuge from the stress and spend days surrounded by natural beauty and a rich mix of customs and traditions of two regions that do not seem so close: Tlaxcala and Nuevo León.


Bustamante is located to the northwest of Nuevo León, 2 hours from Monclova and Nuevo Laredo, 2 hours and a half from Saltillo, Coahuila; and one hour and 35 minutes from Monterrey, the state capital, if you travel by road. Linares, Santiago, and Bustamante are the Pueblos Mágicos (Magical Towns) of Nuevo León.


The climate is temperate and dry with an average temperature of 21º C (70º F), the rainy season is irregular and generally occurs between the months of August, September, and October; the intensity of rainfall varies depending on the area.


San Miguel de Bustamante is its official name, although it is simply known as Bustamante. This last name was added to the name in honor of Anastasio de Bustamante, an ex-president of Mexico and military man.


The history of this Pueblo Mágico is peculiar. For a long time it was called San Miguel de Aguayo de la Nueva Tlaxcala because of the strong influence of this state's culture since, during the Colonial era, the Spaniards established 30 Tlaxcalan families in this region to work in the extraction of the local mines.


The Tlaxcalans brought their customs and traditions, including the cult of el Señor de Tlaxcala (Lord of Tlaxcala), patron saint still celebrated with a great popular festival in which the town receives pilgrims and faithful who seek to venerate him in the Templo de San Miguel Arcángel (Temple of Saint Miguel the Archangel).


Bustamante's bread is one of the specialties that you will only find here, so let your nose guide you to any bakery where you will find freshly baked Semitas, Polkas, and nut empanadas. Bustamante's cabrito is prepared in a special way, so don't leave without trying it.


Around Bustamante there are different attractions that you will find in the city like the Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel (San Miguel Archangel Parish Church), the Callejón del Beso (Kissing Alley), el Cañón de Bustamante, the Ojo de Agua San Lorenzo and las Pinturas Rupestres de Chiquihuitillos (Cave Paintings of Chiquihuitillos).


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