
sello pueblos magicos

Get to know Cholula

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Cholula de Rivadavia, San Pedro Cholula or the Pueblo Mágico (Magical Town) of Cholula-meaning “place of those who fled”-is a municipality in the state of Puebla. Some historians claim that its name refers to the arrival of the Toltec to the region, after they left Tula. It has also been known as Tlachihualtepetl, which means “mountain made by hand”, an aspect you will definitely be able to observe during your visit.


Before telling you what Cholula has to offer, let it be known that this is a place where traditional culture and new cultural offerings converge, therefore it is not at all strange to find yourself surrounded by, literally, hundreds of churches; nor is it unusual to come across avant-garde restaurants, craft breweries, or bars, in the streets.
The best place to start your tour is at Plaza de la Concordia, located in front of the Zócalo. It can be identified by its huge arches, built almost 450 years ago. The largest number of businesses can be found beneath these arches, including craft stores, cafés, restaurants and hotels, so it’s basically an area where you can find just about everything.
Cholula is located 23 minutes, by land, from the city of Puebla. In case you were wondering, the best time to visit this “Magical Town” is during the spring and summer months, though if you prefer a more wintry climate, plan to visit during the last few months of the year.

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