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Get to know Popocatépetl

The National Park Itza-Popo Zoquiapan is one of the oldest protected natural reserves. It was created in the year of 1935 with the idea of protecting the mountains in the Sierra Nevada.


6 kilometers from Cholula, you will find Paso Cortes. This amazing natural park is located 3,695 above sea level. Its name comes from the Spanish Conquistador, Hernan Cortes, that walked through this mountain road to get to the Valley of Mexico for conquering Tenochtitlan, what is now Mexico City.


This National Park has 6 roads for trekking. Climbing up the Popocatépetl Volcano is not allowed due to its ongoing activity, however you can try the Iztaccíhuatl. For this, there are two options available: one is hiring a tour with an agency or making an appointment at the Visitor Service Center where you can have more information about mountain guides. If you select this last option, be sure to do it a long time in advance.

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