
sello pueblos magicos

Get to know Zacatlán

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Who doesn't enjoy forests bathed by waterfalls, covered in fog, and featuring cozy cabins? If you belong to this group of travelers, you should escape to Zacatlán de las Manzanas, one of the most beautiful Pueblos Mágicos (Magical Towns) in Puebla.


In order to become acquainted with the mountainous landscape, it's best to begin your journey at the Mirador de Cristal (Glass Overlook). It's half mile long and protrudes from the summit of the Barranca de los Jilgueros, located a few blocks away from the town square. This natural wonder stands around 1,312 feet high and the San Pedro River snakes its way through it. Waterfalls and rustic houses are easy to spot, even without binoculars. Behind the ravine, you will find Zacatlán de las Manzanas' Monumental Mural, which adorns the local cemetery. It was crafted out of tile remnants and depicts the town's tourist attractions, such as the traditional floral clock located in the main square.


Since you're already in the downtown area, stop by the Clock Museum. Did you know that Zacatlán de las Mazanas is considered the birthplace of monumental clocks? Here, you can learn about the process of fabricating monumental clocks: from the metal smelting to create the device, to the final tests they go through.


The next stop on our journey includes visiting one of many liquor stores that offer guided tours that teach about the cider-making process, such as Manzanita Zacatlán or Fábrica El Convento 1567. If you visit in August, make sure to drop into the Feria de la Manzana (Apple Festival).


If you're not a liquor enthusiast, you can sit in the town square and enjoy a cup of fresh roasted coffee accompanied with a cubilete de queso or requesón (a pastry filled with cheese or cottage cheese). It may sound like a simple plan, but it is a must in Zacatlán. Remember to leave some space for a barbacoa taco, a mug of pulque, and a tlatloyo, which is similar to a tlacoyo, but bathed in green chili sauce and topped with cream and cheese.


Don't be surprised if you get caught in the fog while walking to the town square. This natural phenomenon can happen at any time during the day and it will often reduce your visibility to the point where you'll be unable to see the tip of your nose. Don't worry, though. All you need to do is wait a few minutes for the fog to clear again.


Hotels in Zacatlán are rustic. Many of them consist of cabins that fit in perfectly with the cold weather. We must warn you that, on winter nights, the temperature drops drastically and frosts are not uncommon. As such, we suggest that you choose a hotel room or cabin with a fireplace.

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