San Joaquín

sello pueblos magicos

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The mining tradition in the zone where San Joaquin is located has its origins in Prehispanic times when the ancient civilizations inhabited the Ranas and Toluquilla zone. Here there was a trading of cinnabar and garnet that was profusely used for decorative purposes.


Later on, with Spanish colonization, the exploration continued, but it was until the years of 1950 and 1970 that San Joaquín reached its grandeur in the so-called “Mercury fever” when more than 100 mines were open.


San Joaquín is nestled in the Sierra Gorda of Querétaro, just 135 kilometers from the Capital, it is a picturesque and colorful town that has been part of the Pueblos Magicos (Magical Towns) since 2015.


The main attraction of this town is the Parish. Its atrium can be confused with the main plaza where a group of stairs save the unevenness of the ground, which gives charm and movement to the whole. Beside the plaza you can immediately see the Municipal Palace and inside the Municipal Library you can see the Museo Arqueológico y Minero del pueblo.


The roundabout of the Piedra Redonda, is a monument made with a circular machine that was used to crush the minerals.


San Joaquin is characterized for tranquil landscapes and quiet streets around the town, but this Magical Town is actually known for its dances, it is recognized as the Capital of the Huapango. All the years in April the National Competition of El Huapango Huasteco takes place. This competition receives more than 500 couples of dancer from all over the country.

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San Joaquín

San Joaquín


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