
sello pueblos magicos

Get to know Cosalá

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Sinaloa is well known for its impressive landscapes like Mazatlán, but we have to remember that its territory is also part of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Here you will find many villages and towns with a lot of charm like Cosalá, a place in which it seems that time stops in its architecture and its streets.


Cosalá is located in the serrana region at the east of Sinaloa, quite close to Durango state. You can get by car in less than 2 hours coming from the Mazatlán port. It will take you about 2 hours and a half if you come from Mazatlan.


Weather in Cosalá is hot and dry during the Spring with rains during the Summer days due to its geographical location. Its average climate is of 24º C. This will aloud you to have enjoyable activities in the open. Be aware that nights can be chilly.


The first people of this region gave it the name of ‘quetzalla’ o ‘cozatl’ which can be translated as “Place of the Beautiful Surroundings” which have all the sense in the world when you realize that this Pueblo Mágico is surrounded by all kinds of trees like pines, cedar, fig trees among others. During Autumn, its green colors change to reds and oranges that bewitch the view.


During the Mexican Independence, Cosalá was considered one of the most prosperous cities in the norwest of the country due to the exploitation of more than 50 mines in the zone. By the XX century this activity stopped being of importance for the local families.


At present this is a locality of cobblestones and tall sidewalks. Its sun dried brick houses built hundreds of years ago are still well preserved. In 1531 the Spaniards found the mines with silver that helped that this Magical Town became relevant in the region.

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