The town of San Juanito, in the municipality of Bocoyna, state of Chihuahua, is part of the Corredor Turístico de Barrancas del Cobre (Copper Canyon Tourist Corridor), is the gateway to the Sierra Tarahumara and an important commercial distribution center in the area.
Located in the highest zone of the Sierra Madre Occidental, 187 kilometers (116 miles) from the state capital, it emerged as a station of the Chepe (Chihuahua Pacific Railway).
For many years, the town was dedicated to the forestry industry and shipped large quantities of wood on the train. But the overexploitation of the forest and the drought have forced it to change its activity, increasing its tourist vocation.
The construction of the Sitúriachi dam, barely four kilometers (2.5 miles ) from the town, provided it with a perfect space for adventure sports and ecotourism. While the Parque Ecoturístico Sehuereachi (Sehuereachi Ecotourism Park) is another corner that has the infrastructure for travelers who are looking for new places to discover.