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Get to know Tehuacán

The valley that forms Tehuacán City in Puebla has millions of years of been inhabited and since then, its mineral waters were an important part of its essence.


The presence of minerals in the zone is what has allowed researchers to know more about the history of Tehuacán, because that has help in the preservation of fossils and stones. You can learn more about all this by visiting The Mineralogy Museum.


Make a tour at its Historic Center and don’t forget to visit its main plaza for enjoying chalupitas or molotes, typical food that you can find in the street stalls. If day is too hot, you can try a lapo, a typical beverage from Tehuacán that is prepared with pulque and sugar cane juice


You can also discover The Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion y Cueva Parish, also known as Tehuacán Cathedral. Its construction began in the year 1724 and ended 4 years later. It's all made using stone and bricks in a Renaissance style. If you come inside to visit you will see that It still keeps the human remains of Mexican Independence hero Valerio Trujano.


To get to Tehuacán from Mexico City a 3 hours and 45 minutes (255 km) journey awaits you. If you come from the city of Puebla, it will take you 1 hour and 55 minutes (133 km), but if you come from Tlaxcala you will take about 2 hours and 15 minutes (165 km) to get here.


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