Banner Cerro del Quemado (El Quemado Huichol ceremonial center)

Cerro del Quemado (El Quemado Huichol ceremonial center)

Get to know Cerro del Quemado (El Quemado Huichol ceremonial center)

Descend into one of the sacred regions according to the cosmology of the indigenous Wixarika or Huichol community at Cerro del Quemado. This ceremonial center is located just a few kilometers from Real de Catorce at an elevation of 3,800 meters above sea level.

It's here that the Huichol community gathers to perform magical rituals around three concentric circles. Beforehand, they collect peyote, an endemic cactus known for its hallucinogenic properties. Once the harvest is complete, it's used to communicate with their indigenous ancestors.

If you're interested, you can venture into this spectacular colossus and immerse yourself in the mystique of the area. Horseback tours are available for approximately one hour from Real de Catorce. Additionally, you can schedule a personal ceremony with the community from November to December.

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Image of the destination Cerro del Quemado (El Quemado Huichol ceremonial center)

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