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Get to know Matehuala

In the war cry with which the huachichiles warned “no to come” to foreigners –literal translation of Matehuala–, this Town was maybe trying to keep safe the secret of its fertile soils and its hot air that today we are able to discover through the ixtle and the sweet taste of the dulce de leche and this is why you have to visit Matehuala, in San Luis Potosí.


From the very first moment that you come to visit its traditional market Mariano Arista, you will see why this city in the Mexican plateau seems to be living in a permanent verbena. This joy is the symbol of the warrior heart of the city, that has overcome two major fires and other disasters.


At Mariano Arista it doesn't matter if you came her to buy preserved cabuches or you are searching for a guava sweet or a membrillo, if you want to taste the best cabrito or if you are planning to buy pair of leather boots, be sure that you will end up buying a comal and an anafre. This is why this traditional market is a must.


In its Historical Center you will see the beautiful Cathedral Inmaculada Concepción. It has a Gothic style and is almost a copy of the Church of Saint Joseph of Brotteaux in France. This church is the work of the famous architect Adamo Bori who also designed the Templo Expiatorio in Guadalajara and the Palace of The Beauty Arts in Mexico City.


If this doesn’t seem enough, wait to taste the gastronomy of this place. At Matehuala you will see that eating cabrito is a serious thing. There are several ways for preparing this traditional dish such as with red sauce, fried, al pastor or with rice and tomato.


To get here It will take you 2 hours and a half coming from the capital of the State ((190 km); if you are coming from Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, it will take you 3 horas 50 minutos (250 km) approximately, if you decide to visit coming from Zacatecas, it will take you 4 hours and 35 minutes (308 km).

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Image of the destination Matehuala


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